Thursday, December 18, 2008

Freedom of Choice

Many economist are debating on how to handle our "economic crisis". Band-aids are being placed on the cuts and sores. But we mustn't forget, the market crash is the acting out of the ailment. What morality cannot fix and what equality of wallet cannot be secured will ultimately play itself out... like a dating a married man. Eventually you shall reap what you sow. Its time now to control destiny but the average person won't have to do much at first. Just watch and listen. The best thing to do is vote with your wallet. That's the real democracy of America. The Freedom of choice is what keeps prices down. Right now the oil producing companies hold the puppet strings of our lives. There is not enough competition. Soon solar, bio-diesel, wind, energy storage and battery power will compete. As President-Elect Barack Obama said, "We cannot simply drill our way out of this problem. Read his entire Energy speech here:

Like it or not, we have reached a tipping point and we are headed towards a new green economy.

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